Krysis Reporting In (Honolulu)

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Krysis Reporting In (Honolulu)

Postby Krysis » Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:19 pm

Aloha from Hawaii Ya'all (Yes I really do say Ya'all)

Well I met Mojo about a month ago while he was on his exploits into the Hawaiian Islands for a Lay Over. Awesome guy yo hang out with and really enjoyed the few days we hung out together.

But a little about myself. I am a 20 year old College Student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I am currently a moderator for the Hawaii PUA Lair.

My exploits into the game started in November 2006 I was rushing for my Fraternity. As I was rushing some Fraternity Brothers of mine were talking about a book called the game and how everyone should read it. I pushed it off and pushed it off until on my initiation date into the Fraternity my current girlfriend (my oneitis) at the time slept with a brother of mine. So I picked up the book and just so happens that another one of my brothers (I have four fraternity brothers with in the Hawaii PUA Lair) was a moderator at the time and came up to me while we were watching Fight Club.

Bro: "Hey you know Tyler Durden lives in Hawaii?"
Me: Huh? *Points at the Movie Screen* Tyler Durden? Thats cool.
Bro: No man. Tyler Durden. I heard you want to learn this stuff. I heard you are really interested in the game.
Me: Oh yeah it seems pretty cool.

He sent me an invite into the Hawaii lair and now I am just so far down the rabbit hole it is amazing. Been in the community since April of 2007.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:00 pm
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

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