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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:16 pm
by iwonderhow
Hello.I am 19 years old. I'm a french rAFC who has just biggin to practice the art of seduction. It's very difficult, because i'm living in the south of France and the bitch shield is very important in this region :roll: . I'm lurning and i practice everywhere and eveywhen that i could. Infortunatly, the informations about the game and how to play it are not enough to my progression in France The mystery method and the Speed seduction are not translate. So ,now i'm looking for english's websites and forums to have better comprehension of this difficult art .

I meet the community three days after being humiliated by my last one itis . , thre month ago. And i understood a lot of things by reading the website FrenchTouchSeduction who is the most important francophone website about seduction. I understood that womens are BITCHES who are just looking for the alpha male . Now i do every thing i can to be this man and there is a lot of progression even if i must and can do better.

Thank you, have a nice day :wink: