I have just moved to North Dallas for a pretty good job. I have family near the Fort Worth area, but I don't really know anyone around here at the moment. Before I got this job in Dallas, I taught High School overseas in a third world country that shall remain unnamed at this point. (I am no longer a teacher, though)
I am in my mid twenties and looking to network with some new friends in my area who are interested in going out and having a good time.
I first heard about this community via an acquaintance who suggested I get and read the Neil Strauss book about the seduction community. I would say that for the most part I have pretty decent game when I apply myself. However, I don't have it down to a science as is described in the book. I am also sort of lazy about going out by myself. Anyway, I would like to join a group who regularly goes out and practices the art of game so that I can improve my own skills. I figure that this is the right place. I hope that I will be able to meet some cool friends, and hit on attractive women, and enjoy some fine beer. If it sounds like I would fit in here, then let me know.