Back in the market!

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Back in the market!

Postby Hoovy » Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:38 pm

And I'm pretty happy about that. I just got out of an engagement that's lasted about a year and a half, figured out the girl wasn't the one and things are moving on.

I live in Duncanville, have my own apartment, a ride and a job. :D

I'll try to frequent the forum on the weekends, it's time to expand my social circle 'cause I'm getting stir-crazy. I'm a handsome dude, good confidence, not rich but paying my bills, and a little rusty at pickup. I learned quite a lot over a few years of practicing and reading, but it's been a while. So if you're a good talker, I'm good eye-candy.

So, hola to all you PUAs!
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:12 pm
Location: Arlington, TX

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