Geting my learning on

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Geting my learning on

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:21 am

I just joined the community, I have known about it since I read the Game (seems to be how most people learn about it) back in High school. Went to college messed with it for about a week, not much of a scene in Erie, PA, then just did whatever it is I do normally. Long story short couldn't afford school anymore joined the army to pay for it they transferred me back down here. For the past two years have not even thought about it until my friend Nica Jon (from Nicaragua) came down. When I got out of basic I went to stay with him in Managua for a month and had THE BEST TIME EVER. He comes down to visit us for Thanksgiving I take him to Fort Worth twice and we just stand around awkwardly at the bar, because I am scared as shit to talk to people and he kept asking dont you know anyone here? Lets go talk to her so on so forth. So I'm committed to learning this stuff. Just got back from The Texas PUA Summit down in Austin, and the community down there is Amazing stayed with * and * and they took me and this kid * downtown and It was exhilarating, I did terribly (* said I did really good for first time out) but I talked to new people and although I felt like shit for getting rejected the next day I felt awesome that I talked to a girl I didnt know and wasnt introduced to just cold approach for the first time in 2 years.

So congrats if you read all that currently I'm looking for a wing and a mentor two separate people. * told me that that is what I will need to Improve the student teacher dynamic must be in place but you need a buddy to tell you when your fucking up and figure things out with. I live in Arlington.

**Side note about the summit I was the only guy from Dallas there, and ya'll missed out Savage spoke twice, AFC Adam Lyons was there and spoke, Crazy cloud (a student of Zan) spoke (great motivating stuff on being the change), * did a great bit on how protaganists in stories have really strong Identities and its necessary to develop your own. * I came in late on his but he had some great advice on visualization and processing your emotions. * bit wasnt just on bondage but some great sex advice as well, * started it off with finding your life path, * had a good presentation on living a life of meaning and proactively building experience**

Well that is alot of text read it and feel good

Postby Guest » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:26 am

Hey bro, I recommend that you go through your post and scrub out anyone's real name. It's a courtesy thing in the Community.

Other than that, welcome.

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:27 am

Thanks Ill keep that in mind, Do yall have a regular meetup or anything?

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:30 pm

[QUOTE=BigTex108;40648]Thanks Ill keep that in mind, Do yall have a regular meetup or anything?[/QUOTE]


Prodigy was hosting them about once a month. Not sure if he is still going to be doing that. I thought he told me he was doing one this month on the 3rd Friday however that would be this Friday so maybe it slipped by the wayside since I haven't seen him post it.

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:07 pm

Hey, welcome to the boards! I try to schedule a meetup every third Friday of each month, but it's a little too late to schedule one now. I like to give people enough time to plan for one. I should be hosting one for april though.

However, most of us are out every weekend, so feel free to PM some of the regulars and I'm sure they won't mind you meeting up with them. They're a pretty cool group of guys.

Postby Guest » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:22 am

Welcome bro

You have a good attitude and seem to have a real hunger to improve. In my opinion those are the 2 most important ingredients. Great place to learn and meet people with similar interest. Check out the post and the way we write about things and you will figure out the best people to ask advice on specific topics. This forum is a wealth of knowledge.

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:36 am

Hey thanks alot everyone for replying, Good to know Ram I really gotta sit down and start reading (mostly its all pretty overwhelming at first ya know lots of knowledge not sure where to start) but thanks for the tips, Prodigy Ill be sure to take you up on your offer soon (Drill this weekend so depends on when I get off if I can go out).

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