100% in the Friend Zone

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100% in the Friend Zone

Postby Guest » Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:12 pm

I counted it up today and I have 9 straight friend zones. Seems I can open, interest, and build comfort, but then everyone just wants to be friends. I know I am doing something wrong, just don't know what. Pretty much at the end of my rope, figured I could use some help and the Dallas Lair is the place to get it.

A little about me. I am 32, about 300 pounds, and live in Plano. I am a programmer and run my own businesses. I used to do martial arts and gymnastics. I got interested in NLP, hypnosis, and language patterns when I was younger. Became pretty good at it. That lead into Ross Jeffries and eventually to Neil Strauss, The Game, and others. I know some things but don't have much practical experience. I have come to the point now where I need to apply that knowledge and turn it all around.

Postby Guest » Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:04 pm

Welcome to the forums and congrats on your journey thus far. There are some really awesome and intelligent people on this forum. I can also say that their good in the field too, as I have seen them execute. This place is definitely worth your time, although it's been a bit slow the last week.

Postby Guest » Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:13 pm

There are quite a few of us IT industry guys here. You'll probably find a ton of useful info on typical IT guy sticking points. Welcome.

Postby Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:56 am

What up Brother!
Your story sounds really familar to me and actually pretty similar to the reason I got into this. I just wanted to encourage you real quick. Having "girl" friends is not a bad thing. That means that you are probably very good at building comfort with people, women especially. You have a really big part of this mastered already. There are probably a few tweaks you could make here and there and you will be the slick lady killer you always wanted to be. It seems like the long road to take and in a lot of ways it is, but comfort can be turned into attraction. This is great place for some insight and there are some really great minds to pick here. Welcome

Postby Guest » Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:46 pm

You wait to long to make a move on them. Welcome!

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