Introduction and Wing Request

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Introduction and Wing Request

Postby Guest » Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:04 pm

I'm 24 and somewhat new to Dallas and looking for a wing. I have a lot of approach anxiety. When I see a girl I want to talk to its like my mind is hijacked and I just freeze, if the girl hangs around long enough I will eventually overule all my anxiety and approach her but by then I'm a nervous wreck and women pick up on this.

I live near Northpark Mall but in my experience, malls are the most overated place to meet women ever. I once saw a poll about how girlfriends/boyfriends first met and mall was at 1%. I've gone to a few bars in Dallas alone and I can usually approach 1 or 2 sets right off the bat but if it doesn't go well I'm pyschologically out of it and won't talk to anymore women after that. I think the hotest women in Dallas are in uptown but I have to admit, the women I've talked to their have asked me what my job is in the first minute of talking to them.

I've recently finished reading The Game, Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo and a lot of online material like at FastSeduction and watched most of The Pickup Artist. I want to try to approach 20 women and get over my approach anxiety and get to the point that if I see a girl I like I can approach her.

Postby Guest » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:56 pm

Shit bro I live right next to Northpark Mall too. It's actually a great place to do cold approaches with 10s.

Especially this time of year.

I'd say that most of my stuff worked on the women who work there, rather than the ones actually shopping.

There's lots of two sets and three sets lounging around outside of their stores that are very easy to open.

Postby Guest » Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:18 am

Hi and Welcome Gamemaster

When I first got started I would say I was very antisocial and almost scared of talking to random people. Hell even to this day I can chicken out.

Here is some advice I can give you.

1. There is probably less than 1/10th of 1% you will ever see the person/people again. So even if you go open a set/girl and she blows you out who cares. She is a meaningless person in your existence. I went out 4 nights a week for a solid year and maybe ran into the same people a dozen times.

2. There is nothing bad that can happen if you talk to people. Have you ever had that feeling when someone is calling and you don't want to pick up. Or when you have to make a cold call for work. Or you have to call someone but you don't want to because of whatever excuse. Then you finally make the call or pick up and it goes well? That is pretty much how this game works. You just have to face your fear head on, it is pretty much the only way to master it. Getting blown out sucks ass. It can wreck your entire evening if you let it. My way of getting over it would just be to venue hop. You go to the first bar run a few sets and bounce to the next location where everyone is brand new to you and they have never seen you either.

3. Ohh Hello

4. When you are walking through your everyday life try to make eye contact with people. It will be extremely weird to you at first but just do it. Keep in mind you will never see the people again in your life. Start throwing in smiles to the women or nods to the guys. Next maybe even a hello. This will help you keep your head up when you walk. It is a confidence builder. Like I said it is going to be very odd at first. My buddy was giving me some golf lessons the other day. He is a pretty kick ass golfer and surprisingly an excellent teacher. He changed my swing up and he said "If it feels weird that is GOOD". I started hitting the ball better than I can ever remember.

5. 5

6. You need to get some canned shit down. Not necessary the most popular material. Scour the internet for witty shit to talk about. I cheated like crazy when I used to go out. A lot of my material was stuff I had stolen from various people. Make a cheat sheet of topics and carry it in your pocket or on your phone. You need to have stuff for when you freeze you can fall back on it.

7. Alright that is my motivational lecture for the day. If you need anything else please let us know.

8. BYE

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