sunburn here...

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sunburn here...

Postby sunburn » Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:30 pm

Im new to this forum and to the pua community as well. I have never had any real significant problems getting laid or picking up, however the caliber of woman sometimes leaves something to be desired. I have had a couple 9's but mostly all in the 5-7 range. I cant say that im obsessed with womens looks to an extent that I expect model perfection every time(i like thick girls), but the reality is that I would like to be able to get the hotter ones at will just to know that I could do so.Comfort amongst these types is also a desire for me. Perhaps I have some deep seeded validation and esteem problems that need to be addressed. I have always had some sort of insecurity about my looks that I tend to hide well. In the past.. many girls have admired and commented on my body and looks...but whenever I hear a compliment I tend to disregard it and blow it off as small talk...but at the same time these compliments would come out of the blue mostly.I tend to dwell on the bad stuff. I think one of the reasons I get girls here and there but not at will, mind because I have been a ballroom dance instructor for 11 years and social gatherings cause no fear...I also have quite a few friends and throw some good parties here and there.Most see me as some sort of fun party guy. However running out of shit to say and sitting there looking stupid next to a high value set or 10 will screw me up big time. Sometimes I can fuck up with a 5 just by running out of shit to say. Reading ioi's can be a problem as just not that observant...perhaps the a.d.d. kicking my ass.On a positive note, Im loyal and truly love my friends. I broke up with my last girlfriend because she did not trust me, was jealous and did not want me to hang out with my buddies. I miss her, but I know better and think its normal to feel that way...I believe that change is hard, but with friends and some effort...I think it can work. I am willing to study hard and share... if anyone wants free dance lessons or wants to sarge that scene just hit me up. I will go to work.
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Location: Dallas

Postby zine » Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:34 am

perhaps the a.d.d. kicking my ass

haha I have add too, but I'm a badass at raquetball!.. eh they both suck, fuck it. What other sport can you hit people in the face and get away with it.
Man about your looks they are external. Don't base how you feel about yourself on external things. Don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks about you.

Such as I like tacos. One of my girls hates tacos because they make her gassy. Do I stop liking tacos because she gets gassy? Hell no. How's this relate to your looks? Well your looks are an external value no more important than the foods you like or the drinks you drink.

Keep yourself well groomed and clean and that is all you need as far as looks.

I would really find it interesting to hang out with you sometime as I can really relate with the add thing maybe you can inspire me to actually get some work done... eh or we could just have chicks do it for us like I normally do.

I'd really love to learn to dance, you show me that and in return I'll give you some ty quality instruction.
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Thanks bro

Postby sunburn » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:01 pm

I see where your coming from man and im not real concerned about the looks as of late since conquering a bonified model...she wasnt the first...but again that self esteem shit seems to creep up from deep sometimes.She still calls all the time....just lives too far(weatherford). I think the real problem I have is conversation flow and coming off as too arrogant. Probably the alcohol and add combined....but I blame myself for excuses. "What other sport can you hit people in the face and get away with it?." Sand Volleyball bro...I love to get a great spike on someone. I do have a few girls ready to go most of the getting laid isnt an issue,however It relates to something my Dad said. "the only thing better than new pussy" Yeah, pretty sexist and dangerous at that...but totally realistic to a lot of guys. I would be more than happy to show you some dance tricks and show you that scene.
You'll probably murder it. Sorry for the late reply...too much on the plate lately. I'll message my number.
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