Ready to get my Sarge On!

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Ready to get my Sarge On!

Postby swing » Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:41 pm

Hey guys...

My name is Swing and I am looking to get into the PUA lifestyle in the Dallas area. I have always considered myself to be fairly outgoing, but I have several sticking points with beautiful women that I would like to work on.

In addition, I think that I would be able to bring a lot of insight to the group with my past experiences as a swinger for the past 10 years. Unfortunately, I think that my personal game has gotten rusty due to the fact that I have been dependent on my hot wife to get us girls in the past. Those of you familiar with the swinger lifestyle will understand that it is usually the girls that do all of the opening, transitioning and seducing with each other and the guys are usually just the lucky bystanders of the hook up that ensues. :) Not a bad life really.

I taught my wife how to approach girls initially as she was very shy and very imtimidated by pretty women, but now it is I that has gotten rusty. lol

I would be interested in meeting with you guys and finding out what you are all about. I think that we can all benefit from the meeting.

I have read The Game and The Mystery Method and have done a lot of reading on forums, but have not yet started to practice any sarging, other than what we do at the lifestyle clubs.

During my research into the techniques of the PUA, I have seen many parallels in the techniques that we already use to get people to desire us and want to be with us and I am eager to hone these skills to a fine point and become proficient at this and have a true understanding of why it works and when to use which techniques.

Please let me know if there are going to be any events that are coming up that I might be able to join in on. Also, feel free to shoot my any other questions that you might have of me.

Looking forward to meeting you all.....
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Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:42 pm
Location: Dallas, TX

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