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Postby mankando » Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:07 pm

Yo and grettings.. I use this line all the time and it seems like every time I use it the girls say's something like this "Wow, a guy has never approached me or asked me that before."

Any who. I pulled it from Deangelo's book and had success and it helps me lead into other transitions.

"What attracts a women like you to a man?" (It's a lil more to this opener but you get the drift.)

Well, when she start saying "confidence, honesty etc..I'll say "Other than beauty can you offer the same qualities your looking for? Cause, we both know that beauty is common." (heard Mystery say that beauty line).

Any who, that's my spill. I'm still new at this but I've pulled some HB-8's with this.
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Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:55 pm

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