Fort Worth Divorcee

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Fort Worth Divorcee

Postby Timebandit » Sun Apr 09, 2023 8:26 pm

Okay so I've read the book The Game and I'm a 52-year-old still good looking still able to do my thing guy who's recently back in the market. I'm looking for camaraderie, perhaps to be mentored and mentoring others. Looking for some people to Sarge with in Fort Worth (or Dallas) something like that.

Here's my edit. I trust the right wingy will show up and see this. Im a healthy, smart, funny, successful business owner, and like others, the dating scene fucking SUXs. So immediately after my divorce, I called the hottest girl I knew while I was faithfully (damn fine husband here) in my marriage. A 27 YO model, one call got a date, and we were a thing for about 10 months. Crazyiest great sex in the history of ever. well, we fell in love and both got broken hearted. That said. Im ready to have a little fun.

Nobody wants to go alone, where's my dudes??

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Also this website is broken, how can I help?
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2023 8:18 pm

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