Looking to improve

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Looking to improve

Postby SmooterPooter » Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:31 pm

Hey everyone!

I'll start off by saying, I'm a complete beginner. I'm 32, I've been married, divorced 8 years ago. Like most men, any success I've had with women has essentially been luck or being in the right place at the right time. There was no skill involved. I'd like to get this area of my life nailed down. I'd like to improve my ability to attract women, as well as just improving my social skills so that if I ever decide to be in a long term relationship with someone it's because I chose a woman I liked, not because I accidented my way into another relationship.

After my divorce, I learned a lot about male and female nature, evolutionary psychology, male-female interaction, and related topics through the MGTOW crowd. Although the life philosophy of MGTOW has its merits, especially with relation to self-actualization, self-improvement, internal validation, and knowledge of the current legal status of the dating scene, I don't think it's a lifestyle I'll ultimately be happy with.

I was looking for other men who are also trying to improve this area of their lives to learn from and with. I tried looking on Meetup but, no surprise, there's not much there. Probably too politically incorrect. I did a little searching and found this forum. I'm looking for guys who can teach me the ropes or even guys who are beginners like me that could use a little constructive peer pressure to push each other out of our comfort zones. If anyone wants to meet up and work on their game hit me up.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:45 pm

Re: Looking to improve

Postby WorkoutChef » Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:42 pm

Hey man. Sorry about the divorce, but in the long term, it's gonna be for the better.

I'm a former Navy Officer, 27, never married. Fortunate enough to have stumbled upon the PUA community, Red Pill, MGTOW, etc early enough to know to take things slow and to be aware of red flags.

Anyway, I just moved to Dallas and have been looking to meet some other people in our community to team up, hang out, develop skills etc. Would be glad to meet sometime if you're down.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:26 pm

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