Hi guys,
I'm new here and wanna present myself.
Let me tell you, I've already read "Double Your Dating" and seen the Mystery Method scheme. Currently I'm reading Swinggcat's "Real WOrld Seduction 2.0". I was recommended about "Book of Pook". I did 10 days of the 30 days out of "Rules of the Game". I need a step by step program like a 30 day challenge to improve my social skills cause it helped me years ago. In those times, I was one of few guys who used Pickup. Now, everyone uses it and has even a girlfriend. What about you? How can I improve? I'm an introverted guy who can't hold conversations. SO, how to go on?
I'm reading the Effortless COnversationSystem by Sinn.
Here, I read that Pickup is crap: http://www.dallaspua.com/articles/leave ... unity.html
I know many artists, just don't know what's the right thing for me and how to go on.