Skittles - New to the game

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Skittles - New to the game

Postby Skittles » Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:25 pm

Hello, my name is Skittles and I am interested in getting into the game.

I (just like EVERYONE else) was introduced to the game when I read the book by Neil Strauss. I have been watching videos and reading other books for a while now, and I feel like learning pick up is something that would be a great experience and a lot of fun.

I live close to the Garland / Richardson area, and the hardest part for me is just trying to find a place to meet people while also getting the courage to randomly initiate a conversation. I guess I need to take other peoples advice and just get the first 100 or so random openers done.

Either way, I wanted to post to find out if anyone was close to the Garland Richardson area was active. I am more than willing to meet anyone anywhere at anytime.

As always, I appreciate all the help / feedback / advice anyone is willing to offer.

Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:49 am

Re: Skittles - New to the game

Postby voyager » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:59 pm

Welcome skittles!

Send me a PM with your contact info if you want to get added to the group chat app.
To be added to the DallasPUA groupchat:
1. Read the Group Chat FAQ
2. Download and set up the GroupMe app (it's free)
3. PM me or Triumvirate your contact info (that you used to set up GroupMe) to be added to the group chat
4. Any questions? See step 1
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