Young and Eager

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Young and Eager

Postby Chan Swag » Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:10 pm

Hey everyone!
Quick background about myself, I'm 19 and just moved into the DFW area for college. I learned about The Community from seeing the Pickup Artist tv show while in high school, and I figured now that I'm old enough to get into some bars I'd look into it. So far I really like what I see! I went to an all male boarding school through high school so my social skills with women aren't what they should be, although I've had some success with women that I attribute mostly to good looks (as a girl put it a couple days ago, I'm "pretty damn cute for a white boy"). I don't know how much time I'll be able to put into PU this year, I'm making school my number 1 priority, but I might as well start now. Any help/advice/mentoring anyone could give me will be greatly appreciated, I'm eager to learn!
Happy Sarging!
Chan Swag
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:38 am

Re: Young and Eager

Postby voyager » Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:43 pm

Not quite sure what to tell you except for... enjoy college? Meet as many people as possible, talk to as many girls as you can. And if you are able to get out to bars on top of that, great.
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