Tell us how you found the community, preferred pick-up methods, location, etc.


Postby ATTICUStheARCHITECT » Sat May 12, 2012 8:22 pm

Hey there all, I would like to say it is nice to see a community here involved with PU and I am excited to see what will come of this.

I was a natural apparently, and I started reading about the Game (Strauss) and realized that I had been doing much of what he practiced already. I I have had many interesting experiences with women that I know not everyone can pull off. I also read The Mystery Method, which is great for step by step instructions, but I like to be more fluid. I also enjoy social engineering a bit and would loved to be challenged here. Reality is Plastic is also an intriguing read ;-)

Anyhow, more about me. I actually moved out of Dallas partly to get away from the allure of women. After a hat-trick my last week I headed out to East Texas (where you score a woman based on how many teeth she has lol).

Well, I am back. I would like to get back in the game and I am intrigued by the idea of sarging in a group. I know I have had excellent wingmen in the past, but this was never our goal. We went out to have fun and picking up women was secondary (although it still worked out lol). I still have some good wingmen but they are not in the community so to speak.

I would like to join up, get out, and make some moves. I would like to also see what styles and techniques others are using. I am nearing 30, which is great. I think it is actually the perfect age for a man for PUA. I see many young men being awkward, nervous, and they dress sloppily.

Anyhow, here I am! Let's do this.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat May 12, 2012 8:09 pm


Postby Triumvirate » Mon May 14, 2012 9:23 pm

Welcome to the forum.

Nice to know that you have some experience under your belt... literally.

What part of the metroplex do you reside?

Posts: 260
Joined: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:03 pm
Location: Fort Worth

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