Tell us how you found the community, preferred pick-up methods, location, etc.


Postby rogan » Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:19 pm

Hey guys

I'm just checking out the PUA (I dislike this word) scene before possibly moving down to Dallas. Currently I reside in Omaha, Nebraska where I am finishing up dental school. Right now I am in the midst of deciding between Las Vegas and Dallas. While in Nebraska I joined a group similar to this one and I learned a shit ton but more importantly I made some lifelong friends.

As it stands, finding a group to hang out with like-minded gentlemen is actually a top priority for me. I've never bought in to the whole of PUA - basically what I believe in is just natural game and putting yourself out there. The more experience you garner the better you'll be at picking up girls/finding girlfriends/making friends. I'm not one for screwing other people or getting revenge and my game is definitely not built on these traits. I'm all about group effort and I think most of why people are frustrated is just a lack of understanding. Anyways, enough of the psycho babble - I just wanted to introduce myself and am glad there is an active community here in DFW.

Just out of curiosity how often do you guys meet up and how big is the current group? Is this more of a meet wings on here type of deal or do you guys actually get together to share ideas and sarge?

Also, I'm trying to decide where a good place to live in Dallas would be. I live downtown in Omaha - so I'm partial to nice apartments in walking distance of a good nightlife scene - does anybody have suggestions for this?

Really like Dallas from the little I've seen of it so far. I will be checking this board from time to time - hope to meet up with yall in the future.

Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:46 pm


Postby GettenJizzywitit » Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:34 pm

I'm not from here but I've been here three weeks. I'd say live in Uptown which is a section of Dallas bordering downtown. It's filled with classy or average restaurants and model looking singles. They walk the street like a fashion show - no joking. Perfect place to practice pickup. I drive out there a few times a week to practice.
Posts: 25
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:19 pm

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