Hey guys. I'm 27, new to the site and just moved to Dallas earlier this year. I've known about the community for a couple years (after an acquaintance introduced me to NLP and some other random materials), but as of yet I haven't met anyone in the pickup circle - especially since moving from Virginia.
I have a good track record as far as women go, but I know I have sticking points literally all the way through the process. Paired with that, I've only just recently started to hit that stride in my life where I'm not letting myself get weighed down by the unmotivated/uninspired people around me. At this point, I've realized that there are a lot of things that I want to improve with myself, whether they're related to pickup or just general self-improvement (I now understand how much the two are interrelated).
I noticed after lurking for the last couple days that there have been past meetups, as well as a generally friendly vibe amongst the members that post here. I'm hoping I can meet some of you guys and develop some friendships, as I'm intrigued by the idea of having good, like-minded people around to bounce ideas off of and go meet ze ladies with.
Y'all can feel free to PM me about getting up sometime, and I'll contribute to anything I feel I properly can on the boards. Stoked! :D