A player is born

Tell us how you found the community, preferred pick-up methods, location, etc.

A player is born

Postby H3v3n » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:45 pm

Hello gents. About a month ago, friend of mine from Atlanta and I were hanging in Seattle on Business. We found ourselves with a free weekend and went to the club scene, with a few other friends/co-workers. He introduced me to "the game". I saw it in action at the club and was impressed.

A few weeks ago, I decided to pick up Neil Strauss's book "The Game", and once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. As I read the book, I looked back on many experiences I've had and drew a few conclusions: 1. This book is for real. 2. I can play the game well if I apply myself. As I read the book, an incdent I'd forgotten about came bursting into my mind:

Last year, I was on a different business trip in LA. I was at this restaurant with some co-workers: 3 of us were nerdy high-tech guys, and the fourth is a great looking saleswoman. We're all hanging out in this very trendy and posh restaurant (happend to be during oscar-weekend), and in comes these amazing 10's. They sit down at a table nearby and I just couldn't keep my eyes from wandering towards them. The kind of women that just suck the air out of the room they are so attractive.

The nerdiest guy from our group had gray hair and a very quirky personality. Before the 10's (one had to have been an 11), came in, he was showing some of us (especially the female co-worker) how to make origami. As the conversation turned to the 10&11 sitting nearby, at some point the suggestion was made to get their number. Within 10 seconds, the orgami nerd was at their table. In retrospect, I can see how he masterfully plied his art and worked his game. He came away with a #-close. I was shocked.... reeling! I couldn't believe that this guy had just obtained a phone number to the hottest woman I've ever seen IRL.

Now about me and how I decided to get into the game.... I'm 31, and just recently divorced. Prior to the divorce I've only been with one woman sexually, and that is my ex. I've decided that the very first order of business post-divorce is to gain much more experience in the realm of sex. The only problem is that I'm pretty picky. My ex is very beautiful, and I just can't stoop to lower my standards. The problem was that I was an AFC, and didn't know how to get the women I wanted into bed.

Enter "The Game". Now I consider myself an aPUA. I've begun to read some of the material out there, and put into practice some of the principles. Honestly, I'm not extremely comfortable with many of the openers and canned material, but I feel I've begun to internalize some of the greater principles such as cat-string theory, the peacock principle, and push-pull methods of overcoming LMR.

Last weekend I had my first success, and it was an f-close with a 9*. I'm in the game, and I want to get better. I want to sarge with some wings and learn from the masters.

I haven't lived in Texas very long (only 2 years), but I have to admit that it has a higher per-capita of beautiful women than any other place I've ever lived. I look forward to meeting some of the community and improving my game.

(* proof available on request)
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Postby evolve » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:25 pm

welcome to the community. i, like yourself, am 31 and recently divorced. i have been a member of the community for a little while but up until recently was not active. you will find that it is a great group of guys that are very fun and willing to share their knowledge. i may not be the best guy to go out and sarge with on experience level, but i am looking to improve as well and see myself being a great wing.
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Postby Mojo » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:52 pm

Awesome! More guys in my age group.

H3v3n, it is great to have you on board. These guys are cool cats. Look forward to seeing you out.

"The Game" is one of the best books I have read. And I read alot. Btw, Dallas PUA will be getting a shipment of Mystery's new hard back. We will be giving them out to the members for free via a contest. Those details will be coming soon :)


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Postby H3v3n » Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:06 pm

I just bought mystery's new hard back two days ago. I was in the sexuality section in barnes & noble to find books on improving the end-game side of sarging, when I saw "The Mystery Method". Of course, I bought it instantly and am currently reading it.

I look forward to meeting you all!
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Postby evolve » Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:26 pm

how odd...i ordered one from amazon and should be here by monday.
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Postby Cairo » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:36 pm


I noticed you are from Fort Worth. So am I. Where do you go to meet women? I've only tried clubs in Dallas with no success. It's a pain driving over to Dallas, and it would be really great if there were some scenes in Fort Worth. Is the stockyards any good for picking up women?

I'm going to a Real Social Dynamics bootcamp in Los Angeles in April. I'm also reading "The Game". I would ideally like to go out once or twice a week. I read the "Lay Guide" about 5 years ago, but reading stuff just isn't enough for me. I've been doing some travelling single, and now I am looking to get serious into the sexual side of the adventures.

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Postby H3v3n » Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:35 am

Cairo wrote:H3v3n,

I noticed you are from Fort Worth. So am I. Where do you go to meet women? I've only tried clubs in Dallas with no success. It's a pain driving over to Dallas, and it would be really great if there were some scenes in Fort Worth. Is the stockyards any good for picking up women?

I'm going to a Real Social Dynamics bootcamp in Los Angeles in April. I'm also reading "The Game". I would ideally like to go out once or twice a week. I read the "Lay Guide" about 5 years ago, but reading stuff just isn't enough for me. I've been doing some travelling single, and now I am looking to get serious into the sexual side of the adventures.


Cairo: My favorite spot in Fort Worth is Sundance Square. Lots of different venues, and if you go at the right times, lots of HB's. I've been in the game for about a month now, but I haven't been home much during that month, so I'm still trying to figure out what I like best. I haven't tried sarging in the stockyards, but I've been thinking about giving it a shot. Send me a PM and we can arrange a time to sarge in Fort Worth.

Not to sell ourselves short here in TX, but I spent last weekend in NYC. WOW! There were HB9 and HB10's everywhere! The only problem was that I was hanging out there with my HB9 I'd met a few weeks ago, so it wasn't appropriate to sarge. We did wing for a buddy of mine from Atlanta though, and it was a blast. I'm not jealous, cause I was having the best sex of my life every night :)
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