Back in the Dallas area

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Back in the Dallas area

Postby Draconis Alpha » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:33 am

Hey guys,

I just turned 31 on Thanksgiving, and have been thinking about the direction my life has taken. I won't post my entire life story here, but suffice to say that, although there are many other things I have accomplished and am proud of, I have grown to be completely inept socially. I can probably blame it on religion, feminism, socialism, and a whole mess of other things, but ultimately it is my responsibility to fix it. I have decided that, instead of lamenting what could have been, I would rather enjoy what time I have left in the world.

I have heard people say that money doesn't buy happiness. Perhaps not, on a certain level. But at the very least, money does make it easier to enjoy happiness. In fact, the only time I see wealthy people unhappy is when they lose money.

Similarly, I have often heard others claim that the only way to be happy or content is to find one person and settle down with them. According to these people, those who date multiple people or sleep around are the most wretched, tormented people on the face of the planet. If that's the case, then why do ALL of the pictures I see of PUAs and their dates have them all smiling ear to ear?

I used to be one of "those people" who believed in the stale cookie-cutter lifestyle, the one with the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, etc. The kind of person who would look down on pimps, players, and PUAs for exercising their natural instincts (which I didn't believe to be natural at the time; now I see otherwise). I resented "the game," and the fact that it had to be played in order to "win" at relationships. So I never played.

And yet, I have watched from the sidelines as people with various skill in the game make their plays. Some crash and burn, as clueless as I am but more willing to try. Others are more successful, and of course there are a few who can be considered star athletes in the field.

I've done a little searching, learned a few key concepts, but tying it all together seems problematic at best. As a complete newcomer to the game, I need to master the basics first. But herein lies my problem: what are the basics? And how can I practice them when it seems like every interaction with a woman feels like the world series?

I appreciate your input, and I welcome private messages.
Draconis Alpha
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:04 am

Re: Back in the Dallas area

Postby Bull Run » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:15 pm


I can tell by your writing that you're a smart guy. This will simultaneously be an advantage and a disadvantage. Women LOVE smart men but they aren't initially attracted to that alone. The best way to exude intelligence is to allow the way you speak subcommunicate that. If you work in a technical field (i.e. engineering, finance, etc.) don't tell women that initially. Tell them you club baby seals for a living, that you sell guns to children, that you're in the white slave trade and that Facebook is your biggest customer. Be humble about your achievements, about your intelligence. She's going to be turned on by your social intelligence and she'll love you for your technical intelligence. But, the social intelligence comes first.

The best place to start?

Once you start sarging, you're going to need to turn off your intelligence. You're going to have to become more oblivious and a little more reactionary. I had this problem at first and I, initially, used alcohol to calm my nerves and turn off my brain so I could just be and not see all of the shit that was happening while I was in an interaction. I don't know if you've ever boxed or trained in the martial arts at all, but both are a great example of the need to not think. I've been boxing for a while now and my biggest problem is that I think too much. Doing so prevents me from reacting the proper ways and with the proper speed. That's when I get tagged, always. When I focus too much.

"Focus on nothing. See everything." -Bruce Lee

Start at the beginning.

If you haven't yet read The Game by Strauss (aka Style) then grab a copy and absorb, absorb, absorb what he wrote in there. He describes tactics and techniques in enough detail for you to be able to understand them and use them. The thing that makes this book better than any other method created to date is that he talks about these tactics using real world experiences. Grounding them in reality allows the reader to better understand how to do them and why they work.

If you have read The Game, then re-read it slooooooowly. Take an entire weekend, hole yourself up in your place and just read it. Absorb it. Take notes. Study it. Learn it all over again.

Once you've done that, stop reading and start sarging.

You literally can learn all you need to learn from The Game. Everything beyond that is just calibrating and fine tuning.

So, study up on the very, very basics. Then, turn off your brain and just allow yourself to react based on the principles that you've learned. Stop reading and start sarging. After your set is done, you can replay it in your head and try to determine where it went wrong/right. That's when thinking comes in play, when you're not IN set. Think of it like watching film of a game the next day AFTER it's over. That's when you'll learn the most. Thinking while in set will only slow you down, it will make you seem contrived, slightly awkward, and just a little off. You'll definitely do some bone-headed things but, so be it, that's how we learn. If you want to be good, you need to check your ego at the door.
The difference is indifference.
Bull Run
Posts: 428
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:43 pm

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