Hey guys,
I just turned 31 on Thanksgiving, and have been thinking about the direction my life has taken. I won't post my entire life story here, but suffice to say that, although there are many other things I have accomplished and am proud of, I have grown to be completely inept socially. I can probably blame it on religion, feminism, socialism, and a whole mess of other things, but ultimately it is my responsibility to fix it. I have decided that, instead of lamenting what could have been, I would rather enjoy what time I have left in the world.
I have heard people say that money doesn't buy happiness. Perhaps not, on a certain level. But at the very least, money does make it easier to enjoy happiness. In fact, the only time I see wealthy people unhappy is when they lose money.
Similarly, I have often heard others claim that the only way to be happy or content is to find one person and settle down with them. According to these people, those who date multiple people or sleep around are the most wretched, tormented people on the face of the planet. If that's the case, then why do ALL of the pictures I see of PUAs and their dates have them all smiling ear to ear?
I used to be one of "those people" who believed in the stale cookie-cutter lifestyle, the one with the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, etc. The kind of person who would look down on pimps, players, and PUAs for exercising their natural instincts (which I didn't believe to be natural at the time; now I see otherwise). I resented "the game," and the fact that it had to be played in order to "win" at relationships. So I never played.
And yet, I have watched from the sidelines as people with various skill in the game make their plays. Some crash and burn, as clueless as I am but more willing to try. Others are more successful, and of course there are a few who can be considered star athletes in the field.
I've done a little searching, learned a few key concepts, but tying it all together seems problematic at best. As a complete newcomer to the game, I need to master the basics first. But herein lies my problem: what are the basics? And how can I practice them when it seems like every interaction with a woman feels like the world series?
I appreciate your input, and I welcome private messages.