França from Brazil

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França from Brazil

Postby França » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:57 pm

Hello guys!

My name is França, knowledge in Brazil as Keek Geek. I'm a pickup artist for about one and half year.
I used to practice total mixed indirect method, using Ross J. DeAngelo, MM, Mehow, Gambler, etc.

The PU changed all my life, first I was a guy that had sex with only one womam in all my 22 years old. Now with 23 years I became a nice Don Juan that have a lot of friends and a lot of womam.

I was seeking the internet for some material and I found out this forum, it seems nice, so I entered this forum.
Seems to have a good quality of members!
Now i'm might help young puas out and pretend to learn with the experience guys!


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Joined: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:35 pm

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