Hello everyone! my name is Carlos.... I should really say that's my middle name since I don't really like to give out my real name over the internet but I'm glad to have joined the forum! . Some basic background info on me is that I'm 16 turning 17 in July, I'm a junior in high school, and I'm a virgin and a textbook AFC in every way possible. I'm currently living with my parents and live in Chicago. I found out about the community in 4chan.org when a poster was talking about how sad his sex life was... I immediatly related to his story. Someone said something about using "Mystery Method" to help himself out. The post was something along the lines of:
"Hey man, use mystery method. It worked for me and the bitch that's sleeping on my bed right now."
Normally I was curious as to what he was talking about and googled the phrase. Quickly finding out what it was, I was spectical and decided to only bookmark it for archiving purposes. Now that was about 3 months ago, and I completely forgot about mystery method and resumed my life as I always had.
Forward to about 3 weeks ago when I decided to ask a girl, that's been my friend for the past year, out. Now I thought she was attracted to me since she always got flirty and touchy around me and she's always talking about how I'd make a great boyfriend ... but alas the bitch turned me down now I'm not one to hate girls, quite the contrary: I love girls everything about them, even the fact that I know absoluely nothing about them but once that girl turned me down I felt like the lowest scum on earth.. I felt like crying. So there I was, sitting on my computer, deleting all of the girls who ever put my dick in a glass jar from my myspace page, listeing to Love hurts for about the 14th time (so cliche but I genuinely felt like listening to the song on repeat) when I remembered that I had something bookmarked related to my problems.
After looking over all that wikipedia had to say about the Mystery Method and the pua community as a whole, and looking at youtube videos of this fellow scrawny man talking about how the pua community changed his life and got him countless women I decided to buy his book... Neil Strauss's "The Game" btw Due to school and having to work I only got to finsh the book by last week friday. Feeling inspired I decided to download The Mystery Method guide since I couldn't bother to go to a bookstore and spend more money. "The Game" was a great buy btw . So now I've finished the Mystery Method and I'm ready for more. I've been trying to field-test and calibrate but a school setting and a lack of hangout places for teens has only let me open about 10 sets this week.... but at least I'm practicing and I've been invited to a sweet 16 and hope to open way more sets on that night.
Anywho sorry for writing so much... but I get carried away =/ I'm hoping to learn as much as I can from this forum, since it looked like the pua forum with the best community