The Brotherhood

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The Brotherhood

Postby cruxnexus » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:00 pm

Hey, I'm fairly new to the community. I first started out with speed seduction, and then later found The Mystery Method and Cocky Funny.

I've rarely had trouble with women before I found the community, but they only girlfriends i had were those I met through my friends, but I want to attract any girl that I like any where, and any time. I'm more of a day game person than a night game, but i want to develop both skills.

My game is more of a natural way, because I believe that body language and inner-game is primary and techniques and routines are secondary. The only problem I mostly have is my approach anxiety, but if I'm taken the burden of the approach and instead introduced I'm quite successful...... Any tips in becoming a fearless approaching machine?

Currently I'm an undergrad studying at Richland College, majoring in business and math. I'm looking for a good wing man around Seagoville, Richland, or Garland area.
A bit history about me. I was raised as a goody do good Christian, and so a super nice AFC. My first girlfriend turned out to be a man-eater (turned out she was dating all my friends). Then from there I was practically a mute throughout middle school.
Until high school I played football and made varsity, and from there started to become more outgoing and started to develop my game more naturally. Then into my second semester of college I found the community.
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Re: The Brotherhood

Postby Finesse » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:07 pm

cruxnexus wrote:Any tips in becoming a fearless approaching machine?

Go out with the intention of TRYING to get blown out.

Say anything you can to get them to tell you to leave, for them to leave, or you get slapped.....

Seriously. The only way you will start to have minimal AA is to get blown out as many times as possible.

Youll then realize how hard it really is to piss most women off......

And for god's sake.... if you see a hair clip. Take it out of her hair.

I love that reaction.**

**Caution, Actually touching the girl/anything on her might get you thrown out of the bar/mugged/beat down/ slapped/ kick in the genitailia, etc... You have been warned so do not sue me if said beat down occurs.
Last edited by Finesse on Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Finesse » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:08 pm

BTW, Welcome!
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Re: The Brotherhood

Postby Rhody » Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:23 am

cruxnexus wrote:My game is more of a natural way, because I believe that body language and inner-game is primary and techniques and routines are secondary. The only problem I mostly have is my approach anxiety, but if I'm taken the burden of the approach and instead introduced I'm quite successful...... Any tips in becoming a fearless approaching machine?

Try this exercise: ... 0764#10764
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Re: The Brotherhood

Postby RockStar » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:08 pm

cruxnexus wrote: My game is more of a natural way, because I believe that body language and inner-game is primary and techniques and routines are secondary. The only problem I mostly have is my approach anxiety, but if I'm taken the burden of the approach and instead introduced I'm quite successful...... Any tips in becoming a fearless approaching machine?

in the same boat bro. I'm on Day two of my self designed Approach Anxiety busting course. I've had several LTRs with very attractive women, but they all came from my circle of friends...(interesting irrelevant observation. I have no problem meeting guys in bars and joining their circle, but that's not what I want here) If you go to my profile theres a link to my blog. It's really for me but maybe you can connect with it; and it will inspire you to just do it!
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Postby JP2008 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:14 pm

Long before I found out about this science of gaming girls I would force myself to approach as many girls as possible when I was out of town. I guess it was easier knowing I would never see them again and after tons of rejection and occasional interest it just stopped being a big deal.

I think one of the best ways to do this is as everyone is saying to almost go with the intention of being shot down but even better if you do it with a wing where you share in each other's rejection and can laugh at it. Seeing how fuuny it can be shows you how much fun it should be, everyone gets shot down sometimes and when you do laugh at yourself its all fun. If you can approach and walk away with a genuine smile on your face then you are half way there and having a good time doing it.
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Postby TopDog » Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:36 pm

nothing like a good round of "Crash and Burn" :D
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Postby EL CHUPACABRA » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:08 pm

FYI: I have not known a woman that was not a man eater my friend!

Also, If anyone wants to see the hair clip dealeo go down hang with us this Sat night in FTW...I'm gonna try it. Thanks for the idea Finesse.
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Postby Session » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:52 am

wow, that getting blown out exercise seems great!
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Postby isosceles cheese » Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:21 pm

JP2008 wrote:
I think one of the best ways to do this is as everyone is saying to almost go with the intention of being shot down but even better if you do it with a wing where you share in each other's rejection and can laugh at it. Seeing how fuuny it can be shows you how much fun it should be, everyone gets shot down sometimes and when you do laugh at yourself its all fun. If you can approach and walk away with a genuine smile on your face then you are half way there and having a good time doing it.

holy fucking shit, this never occurred to me!!!!!!1111oneone
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