
Tell us how you found the community, preferred pick-up methods, location, etc.


Postby Zephyr » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:12 pm

I stumbled upon the seduction community a few weeks ago. I'm hooked. Completely hooked. I'm the kind of person who will take but a spark of interest and turn it into a raging inferno. I think my best attributes are that I learn quickly and I can always take criticism and make the necessary changes. About a month ago I got out of a 4-year relationship with a HB-9 (I think shes a 9.5 but I'm kinda biased haha), and I really need to get my game back after being handed everything on a silver fucking platter all the time. I know this shit aint magic. It takes time, commitment, and experience. I go to UT Arlington so let me know what I can do to get hooked up with some of you guys. I'm down to hit up any of the bars/clubs in the DFW area (I'm 22 btw). I am very serious about this...I'm always good at what I do and I never take no for an answer. Let me know. Peace

Preferred Methods: I like Mystery Method so far but I've also watched all the DYD and Advanced Series videos from DeAngelo and I really like his stuff. Just bought a few books on NLP as well. Any suggested reading for someone new to the game? I'll take all comments and suggestions. Thanks!
Posts: 14
Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:46 am
Location: Arlington, TX

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