
Tell us how you found the community, preferred pick-up methods, location, etc.


Postby DateDemon » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:10 pm

Hey guys I kind of randomly stumbled on the Dallas board but I really like it so far. A little about myself:
I am young early 20's
I used to be really shy until about 9th grade
I am extremely confident
I am pretty short 5'6ish
I am not extremely good looking but I would say better than average
I am what girls would say is "cute"
I have dated ALOT of women
I have had multiple 3somes (no other guys though)
I have a lot of Facebook / Myspace experience
I have a website at
I don't settle for girls below my standards no matter how drunk I am
I have extremely high standards
I have dated girls over 6 foot
I have dated models
I have dated 10's
I have done a lot of daygame
I have done a lot of night game

I am here to help, if any of you have any questions or issues at all with girls then make a post and I will try to respond to as many as I see or PM me and I will gladly chat with you about it for free. I am young but I have experience with just about everything except ugly chicks =P
"I was no longer in the game to meet women; I was in the game to lead men."- Neil "Style" Strauss The Game 214

"It's not the number of ladies you get, or even the quality. It's all about whether you are happy with the results." -DateDemon
Posts: 94
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:40 pm

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