hello gentlemen, help me

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hello gentlemen, help me

Postby Brasco » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:09 pm

hey guys,

I am a Dallas native, 27 years old. I go to law school at SMU. I got divorced about a year ago and am still frustrated with the whole PU scene.

See, I don't necessarily think I'm bad looking, but approaching is still very difficult. I'm the type of guy that girls really like, AFTER they get to know me--problem is, I really don't know any girls who can GET TO KNOW me. And I'm sick of being that guy.

I am a nice guy. I'm fun. I have tons of friends, but they are like mostly like me--meeting like one, barely above average girl a month in a drunken stupor and not wanting to call her again b/c when you sober up, you realize that your better than what you just picked up last night.

I'm so frustrated, standing and gawking at all the incredible girls here in Dallas--thinking to myself, "If they would only give me a chance" or some other BS that all of us AFCs tell ourselves when we're out at bars.

I need your help.

Thing is, I want to learn from the best. I think I'm pretty coachable and I'll try anything. After I read THE GAME right after my divorce last year, I had some success, but over time (I guess after getting shot down a couple of times) I think I lost my nerve and confidence. I know I need to read more material, but being a law student, my reading non-school reading time is pretty much zero. But I do like to go out-- but I need sarging coaches who can really teach me. My friends don't know the game and are even more scared than me when it comes to sarging.

again, I need your help.

If you're reading this and you are the king of the Dallas PUA's, please contact me b/c I've yet to figure out who you are (probably cause I haven't lurked on here long enough). I want to meet you. . . I must learn your ways
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Postby DateDemon » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:54 pm

Brasco I am sending you a PM. I really think its great you are so willing to make changes and ask for help that is really an awesome first step. I will try to give you some tips to get you out of this situation. A lot of guys go through the exact same thing. They are like if only I could meet a quality girl that would give me the time to get to know me instead of just making quick superficial judgments. This is usually where you see a good looking guy and you are like I wish I was like him. The truth is though you are in a good spot if you have the brains and the character, the meeting girls part can always be worked on and mastered. Having a good outlook and mindset is the most important part.
"I was no longer in the game to meet women; I was in the game to lead men."- Neil "Style" Strauss The Game 214

"It's not the number of ladies you get, or even the quality. It's all about whether you are happy with the results." -DateDemon
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Postby zine » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:36 am

Your mindsets must be changed to ever get the quality women you want. I can guide you. Me and my wing have done that with many guys who I'm sure we have helped greatly.
I need your help.

again, I need your help.

You need air, water, food, clothing, and shelter. Everything else are things you want. When you express a need for things other than the ones necessary for living you become a needy person. Needy guys don't get chicks. Eliminate that word from you mouth right now. You are a successful guy and smart guy obviously being a law student. Ha myself I'm just having trouble with normal history much less memorizing hundreds of court cases. Accept the fact that you are successful right now because every day you are becoming a better and better/stronger and stronger man. Women especially the quality ones you are seeking will be attracted to that.

If they would only give me a chance

How about instead you approach them and give them a chance to see what cool things they can add to your life. Stop with the I need them mindset. You don't need women you are a successful person and don't need them for that success. Women accent your success and make it more beautiful, but you do not need them to be the great man you are, nor do they need you to be the great women they are. Both men and women are equally great, and if you are going to place women on the pedestal then place yourself upon it also.

I am very busy the next couple weeks due to spring break and random crap, but I will pm you and we will see what both of us have to offer. I am no king of pickup, but I have learned a few things here and there.
There are 2 ways you can get an amazing woman.
1.you can become an amazing manipulator
2 you can become an amazing man

If you are not escalating then you aren't doing anything.

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