Howdy from Ft. Worth

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Howdy from Ft. Worth

Postby rekrapshyguy » Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:50 am

Wow, I can't believe how lucky I am to have come across a site like this! I'm already a member of all the big forums belonging to the big names out there (David D, Charisma Arts, Mystery Method, Hypnotica, etc.) but I always have the hardest time finding fellow members who live even remotly closely to me, let alone members who live in Ft. Worth.

But, now I've stumbled across this gem of a site, and I couldn't be happier! :D

Anyway, I'll just lay out my basic info, and a little bit about where I am on this journey.

My name's Geoff Parker, I'm 19, I'm 6 ft. 4 in., about 200 pounds, and I'm pretty good looking when I want to be good looking. I guess you could say that I'm the quiet introvert, and I have a slight degree (very slight degree) of Aspergers (a form of Autism). But I'm mostly a normal guy, and the Aspergers barely even affects me anymore.

I've been my fear's bitch for way to long. I know that it's gonna be hard as hell to do so, but it's time that I finally step out of my shy comfort zone and start enjoying the rays of the sun and living the life I was born to live. I'm joining this site so that I can meet and develop friendships with local guys who, just like me, are sick and tired of being chained down by their fear. My hope is, by joining this site, I can get together with a group of guys who support eachother on this forum and also in-field while approaching and building awsome connections with the girls who are waiting for us.

I'm looking foward to the fun times ahead! :wink:
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:50 pm
Location: Fort Worth, Texas

Postby EL CHUPACABRA » Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:08 pm

don't post your name... If someone googles you it pop up!!
AKA ~Sparky~
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Postby Thaddeus » Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:15 pm

Welcome! and yes if you dont want to be able to be googled names are a bad idea. If you dont care sall good.

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