Welcome to Dallas PUA seduction forum - READ FIRST

In order to access the forum, you must sign-in or register

Welcome to Dallas PUA seduction forum - READ FIRST

Postby Mojo » Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:43 am

Welcome to the seduction forum of Dallas PUA. To access the forum please sign-in or register. To register:

1) Click the register and follow registeration instructions. During the registeration process, an e-mail will be required. Please note:
- You must use a valid e-mail address or a confirmation e-mail will not be sent to your inbox to complete registeration.
- User accounts will be deleted if e-mail expires or is no longer valid.
2) Click on the confirmation e-mail sent to your inbox
If it is not in your main inbox, check BULK or JUNK inbox
Accounts will be deleted if e-mail is no longer valid or is in use

3) Click Add to Address Book to ensure e-mails sent from forum & forum members are not placed in the BULK or JUNK inbox
4) Click on the link in the confirmation e-mail. Please be patient as an administrator approves your membership.

Onced registered, Log-in and post your Introduction here:

Please read the Dallas PUA Forum rules here:

Thanks and enjoy.
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Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:53 pm
Location: Dallas

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